i miss my CHICKEN!

Author: bunga Labels::

I thought of you today when I looked up at the sunset in the sky.
Cause when I was still at home that use to be something we loved to see together.
I felt you near today when I listen to our favourite song all by myself.
And then I smiled today when I saw my favorite picture of us.

I know Im so far away from you
But I know I dont have to search high and low to see you again.

No matter where I go, no matter where Ill be youll be here always.
Cause its our memories that tag along with me and thats all I need - 
Thats all I need..

Its so easy missing you cause youre going through my head a million times a day
But Im okay when you say youre doing the exact same thing.


Mari ber'BLOGSPOT'

Author: bunga Labels::

tibe-tibe perasaan gatal nk berblog muncul..
mcm best je tgk org tulis blog..
aku pun gatal nk ade blog jgk..
tp aku tak tawu pun nk tulis ape sebenanyer..

saje je try2..
mane la tawu bole jadi tempat aku membebel..
yela..kalau bebel kat org..nanti kene marah..
so bebel jela kat sini..
yang nk bace sila bace..
tanak bace..



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